Our Vision

To see the gospel of Jesus Christ so transform the city of East St. Louis and the surrounding areas that multitudes of souls are rescued and established in the faith, prevailing cultural brokenness is healed, families are restored and new churches are started near and far.

Our Values

Loving (Triune) God

Loving All People

Biblical Truth

Passionate Prayer

Apostle’s Gospel

Our Aims

Because the gospel of Jesus Christ is of “first importance” (I Cor. 15.1-4) in all of Christian life and service, please pray that City of Joy would increasingly be given to these gospel aims as a means of carrying out our God-given mission, vision and values.

For all eternity the blood-bought church from every tribe, language, people and nation will behold and bless Jesus Christ, the slain and resurrected Lamb, and the Father who sits on the throne (Rev. 5). We long for this glorious reality to shape everything that we do in our worship gatherings and in all of life.
The preaching of the gospel of Jesus Christ is the centerpiece of all Christian life, worship and service.  It is through the preaching of the gospel in the power of the Spirit that God saves, grows and equips His people to display His worth in the church and in the world (Rom. 1.16-17, 16.25).

The gospel is not only the basis by which the believer is powerfully saved, but also the means by which the believer is progressively sanctified (I Cor. 15.1-2).  One way to describe this progressive sanctification is that the Spirit of God takes the word of God and gradually aligns the believer’s desires, thoughts, words and actions with the gospel of Jesus Christ.

Because of the gospel, saints have been welcomed into the presence of God and have received the spirit of adoption by which we cry out “abba father” through prayer (Hebr. 4.14-16, Rom. 8.15). 
With the Lord’s help, we will not be ashamed of, but joyfully spread the gospel of Jesus Christ because the gospel itself is the very power of God to save sinners and to strengthen Christians (Rom. 1.16, Rom. 16.25).
Through faith in the gospel, the Holy Spirit has placed each individual believer into the blood-washed church of Jesus Christ (I Cor. 12.13) and has given to each believer a spiritual gift(s) “for the common good” of the body of Christ (I Cor. 12.7). The same Holy Spirit has also made believers “one” in Christ Jesus and has created deep, spiritual “unity” among this family of faith (Eph. 4.3-4).
Saints have been saved by grace through faith in Christ, not as their own doing, but as a free gift from God. Our great salvation is not a result of works, so that no one may boast, except in the cross (Eph. 2.8-9, Gal. 6.14). Furthermore, we are works of God, created in Christ Jesus for good works to display His goodness and grace in the world (Eph. 2.10, Matt. 5.16).

Jesus Christ purchased a people from every tribe, language, people and nation to be a kingdom of priests to God. (Rev. 5.9). Jesus Christ is the sole person and power that enables true racial reconciliation and relational peace to flourish within His church (Eph. 2.14-19).

The Lord Jesus Christ, through the gospel, reveals the greatest example of servant-leadership on the planet as He came not to be served, but to serve and give His life a ransom for many (Mk. 10.45). 
Because the gospel informs the way a family functions and pleases the Lord in their neighborhood and world, we long to see families who allow the gospel to shape their roles and relationships within the home (Eph. 5.25-6.4).
So there was great Joy in that city. Acts 8:8

101 Jackie Joyner-Kersee Circle
East St. Louis, IL 62204



@ 2023 City Of Joy Fellowship Church

Sunday service is CANCELED for today due to a power outage. We hope everyone is safe after all the stormy weather. Looking forward to worshipping together next Sunday!